Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pretty Polish Picks: Spring 2014

Afternoon beauties! I hope everyone is having lovely weeks so far and happy Wednesday! I know y'all are probably sick and tired of me talking about spring (if you want a good laugh, look at my past blog post titles from this month, sense a theme?), but I promise this will be the last spring specific post... I hope. I just can't help it, spring is my favorite!! 
 The nail polish addict within me gets giddy once polish displays in the stores change to bright and pastel hues, making spring the ultimate. Another geeky  nail  polish guru tendency of mine is to associate specific brands with seasons. For example: Spring = Essie. Well in all honesty, Essie is always my favorite polish brand but whatever.
Kay, now back to what I was actually trying to get at. Here are 5 of my favorite Essie polishes for (you guessed it) spring!

{From left to right}
Topless and Barefoot, Bachelorette Bash, Sparkle on Top, Bikini So Teeny, Fiji
Topless and Barefoot: I searched for a perfect nude for like a year and a half and finally found it! So fresh and simple, just like I like it.
Bachelorette Bash: My sweet mama sent me this one in a Vday care package and I love her so much for it because I had also been on a hunt for a nice dark pink over that last few months. I don't think people traditionally think of dark pink as a spring color, maybe more summer, but this one is beautiful! Perfect for a pedi.
Sparkle on Top: If you want an iridescent chunky glitter, this is the polish for you! It compliments almost every color because its basically reflective pastel rainbow glitter. Looks amazing over Topless and Barefoot by the way.
Bikini So Teeny: I think this one was part of their spring collection last year and I saw it everywhere last year. It's the perfect blue and compliments a tan gorgeously (this ones probably my fave out of the bunch)!
Fiji: The most classic pastel blue-toned milky pink you will ever find. If I don't know what color to paint my nails, I'll probably end up with this one. Simply love.
Thanks for listening to me ramble, love ya for it! What's your favorite spring nail polish? I'm always looking for more fun colors, as if my collection wasn't large enough already...
xoxo, Olivia

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