Monday, March 31, 2014

March Favorites and April Goals

Hey chica! I just settled back into my tiny little dorm this afternoon after a short weekend home (I'll share some pictures later this week) and I must say, these past few days have got me pooped. Actually, these past few weeks have got me pooped! I'm welcoming this new month and all the fun I have planned with open arms, but not without the understanding that it will also be filled with lots of school work as well. Curse you term papers and finals!

Anyways, so far on this blog I have shared my "favorites" at the end of each month but I've decided to modify this routine as I begin to get a better feeling as to what I really want this blog to be and what I want to share with the people I love on here. I think monthly posts focusing mainly on the material things I loved during the month are a little shallow and I feel like each month should be commemorated with posts with a little more substance. That being said, I want to focus more on all the fabulous things I got to experience at the end of a month and share some of the goals I have for the following month! I'll still share a couple favorites, its just they won't make up the whole post.
This month's favorites are more of discoveries I would say! At the beginning of March I was thrown into a ton of school work and during one of my study breaks that are actually just whole afternoons I spend procrastinating on the internet, I found a new blog. Sweet blogger Victoria writes about her marriage, faith, goals, and lots of other really cute/inspiring stuff. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's my favorite! I spent pretty much a whole weekend reading through almost every old post (probably creepy, but oh well) and I truly believe her blog is a blessing to my life.
This month I also discovered an email service called the Skimm that sends you a brief email every morning about the top headlines from the day before with easily understandable and sometimes funny explanations. I subscribed last weekend and am so happy I did! At home, I had always watched the news but still felt out of the know most of the time, especially now that I'm at school and attend political science classes where everyone seems to know everything that's going on. I also never understood what a lot of news meant even if I had heard it, mostly news in international relations. The Skimm emails are so easy and quick to read, plus they make me feel like a participatory member of the adult world :)
March was a wonderful month, especially given I got to go home and see family twice! Like I said, I expect April to be equally as busy and fun because I'll be going to Juno beach this weekend and celebrating my birthday later this month as well. Here are my goals for April:
1. Make summer plans
2. Go three nights without social media so I get more work done studying
3. Get a new devotional book
4. Celebrate my 19th birthday
5. Finish my 101 in 1001 list and post it on the blog (more on this late)
6. Try harder not to procrastinate on assignments
April's scripture focus: {2 Timothy 4:17}
What are your goals for this month?
xoxo, Olivia

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