Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Great Harbour Cay, Berry Islands Bahamas Part 2

Ah, back to blogging our trip to the Bahamas earlier this summer! Sorry these posts were so far apart, but if you missed part one here's the link

Halfway through the week, one of our daily little excursions was to go to what we call Sand Dollar Beach. At low tide, the south eastern most tip of the island (on the west side of Shark's Creek) becomes this beautiful white sand flat that is perfect for starfish and sand dollar hunting! P.S. why is my brother so silly *insert monkey covering his eyes emoji*

Later that afternoon, Victoria and I walked the beach north of the house. The rocks along the beach here are so beautiful and fun to explore!


These next couple of days I'm short on photos but most of it looked something like this: beach days on the most perfect sand. 

{Hat: Clavin Klein (old), Swimsuit: Asos}

Our last full day, we did quite a bit of exploring. First stop: the caves.

"The caves" are on the east side of the island, halfway through the north cove. There's a cliff you can climb up to get these gorgeous views, but the caves are known for just that: the caves in the rocks. I still can't believe how beautiful the water is over the rocks here!


Next, we headed a little further north on the main road to check out the ruins of an old hotel. In it's hay-day, Great Harbour was an island for the stars and it's guests stayed at this hotel which was destroyed by a hurricane in the 80's. It was kinda of creepy walking around, but the views from this spot were breathtaking!

And our last stop for the day: the Beach Club, the casual restaurant on the island. I think we all had burgers haha and delicious rum punches of course!  

{Romper: Old Navy, linked similar below}

And to polish off this post: some nice family photos we took the one time we got dressed up the whole trip haha!

{dress: Tobi (old)}

And finally, our last morning in Great Harbour :(

And the view from our little puddle jumper!

Again, sorry these posts were so disjointed and probably make 0 sense but I had to share how beautiful the trip was! I loved spending so much time with our family and our friends that might as well be family. If you're looking for a really relaxing family vacation spot in the Bahamas that is 0% touristy, I recommend checking out Great Harbour! Can't wait to go back again one day :)


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