Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Christmas Traditions + Home Tour

When I first saw this topic, I was convinced my family didn't really have any solid traditions since we're a small bunch. But the more I got to thinking, we really have quite a few unique holiday traditions! Not to sound anxious, but I cannot wait until I have a family and children of my own to share my family's traditions and to start our very own with :)

1. Secret Santa: My family really didn't have much growing up and around middle school my parents were really struggling financially for Christmas. That year we decided instead of buying expensive gifts for everyone, we would pick names secret Santa style and give just one nice gift each(there's usually a spending limit like $50-$75). Every Christmas since then, we've given gifts that way even though money isn't as tight anymore. I'm so thankful for the way we do gifting because it really helps you to truly think about what giving really means and the gifts always turn out much more personalized.

2. Jingle Bell Run: My hometown hosts a 2 mile run/jog/walk the weekend before Christmas every year and we always love attending! Pretty much the whole town comes out for it and it runs right in front of our house as well as down "Christmas Street" in our neighborhood, a special little cul-de-sac where all the houses go the extra mile with Christmas lights. 

3. Surfing Santas in Cocoa Beach: I realize this is such a Florida thing and it probably sounds silly, but the morning of Christmas Eve hundreds of surfers dress up as Santa and surf a beach in Cocoa Beach. Kids, adults, and even surfers parachuting out of airplanes! It's quite the sight haha! Last year was our first year going but we'll definitely be back this year and many more to come.

4. Noche Buena: My father's side of the family is Cuban and my mother grew up in South Florida. In Cuban culture, Christmas is really celebrated on Christmas Eve so we usually cook a HUGE traditional Cuban meal that night including roast pork, tostones and platanos, rice and beans, yucca, croquetas, and flan. So yummy!

5. Christmas cookie baking with Grandma: We don't do this every year anymore since my siblings and I are all either in college or living on our own, but growing up we always went to Grandma's house one day leading up to Christmas and baked batch after batch of sugar cookies and orange and white chocolate macadamia cookies (which reminds me, I need to get that recipe from her)!

6. Vlogmas: Okay, so this is really just a personal Christmas tradition but I love youtube and there is no better time than December because vloggers post everyday for "Vlogmas." My mom literally thinks I'm crazy because I watch videos of other people's lives online, but I honestly get so much joy and inspiration from it. I also love seeing how other people celebrate Christmas and what traditions they have. My favorite vloggers to watch this time of year are Alex + Michael, Mallory Ervin, Danielle Carolan, Aspyn + Parker, and Remi Cruz!

I'm combining yesterday and today's topics since I'm already behind (oops) but day 3 of the link up is a Christmas home tour. I live with my parents currently but I'm pretty much responsible for all the holiday decorating since I'm deemed "the crafty one!" No complaints here :)
Our Christmas decorations are far from traditional, we love a beachy Christmas... you've been warned!

My favorite DIY little beach trees I made a few years back from floral cones, sand, shells and starfish.

I know I said I was the crafty one but look at this beautiful wreath my mother made for our front door!

The tiniest of holiday home tours but I hope you still enjoyed! What's your favorite Christmas tradition or decoration?

Victoria's posts day 2 and day 3
Sarah's posts day 2 and day 3

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