Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2016 Resolutions and January Goals

Like I said in my last post, 2015 was a really great year for me. I had a lot of firsts this year: first real job, first internship which provided valuable experience in my career path, and learning to drive. Not only did I experience personal growth, but my family was brought joy with our new pup, my father's new business, my mother's new job, my sister's high school graduation and transition to college, and my brother's wedding. The Lord lead me to a path of growth and change and my prayer is that this goodness continues in the new year. So, here are my new year resolutions and my goals for January!
Exercise at least 4 days out of the week.
Incorporate strength training to get toned up.
Try new fitness activities: yoga and surfing.
Eat cleaner and healthier.
Be happy with my body.
Get connected in a church or fellowship in whatever city I’m living.
Meaningful Sundays: no social media, get outside, and devote time to Jesus.
Use the Lord’s name in a vein less and curse less.
Devote time to Jesus daily.
Graduate from college summa cum laude.
Get a fulltime job.
Grow my blog.
Practice good financial habits and save money.
Enjoy my last semester of college and explore new things in Miami.
Travel somewhere new.
Spend more time with true friends.
Read 12 books.
Learn photography skills.
Be grateful.
January Goals
Create my 2016 vision board
Start practicing meaningful Sundays
Give Miami CRU another chance
Read Scorch Trials
Purge my closet and possessions, deep clean room
Visit 3 places on my Miami Bucketlist
Attend Chili Cookoff 2016 with friends
Research post-grad jobs
Work towards my fitness goals
I hope to expand on a few of these things in future posts, but with that wishing you all a happy, healthy, and wonderful new year!

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