Friday, January 1, 2016


This post is going to be really long and photo heavy, but y'all missed a lot during my blog break so maybe grab a cup of coffee and enjoy :)

New Years 2015!


Welcomed Nyla to our family!
I never had a dog growing up, so naturally my parents decided to rescue a German Shepherd my Junior year of college. Nevertheless, Nyla is such a sweet little girl and has brought so much happiness to my entire family!

Runaway Country 2015
So excited to go back this year even though it moved to Orlando!

Fun spring semester of making lifelong friends and memories

Turned 20!!!

Finally got my driver's license (yes at the ripe age of 20)!
I had always been afraid of driving so this was a really big step for me and I regret so much not biting the bullet and getting it sooner. Being able to drive has made my life so much easier and allowed me to be so much more independent.
My little sister Victoria graduated highschool #gowildcats

Completed a summer research internship at the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estaurine Reasearch Reserve researching the effects of harvesting on oyster populations in North Florida #marinesciencegeek #playedinmudallsummer

Explored one of my new favorite cities, Jacksonville, by living there for the summer!
I can definitely see myself living there in the future!


Started my SENIOR YEAR of college
(dear life, slow down please!)

My big brother got married in September!


Road tripped to Tallahassee for the Miami vs FSU game!
At the beginning of October Miami's fall break fell on the same weekend as the FSU away game which provided the perfect girl's weekend for me to reunite with my forever besties from high school! Even though we lost, I had the most amazing time because I got to introduce my friends from home to a lot of my college friends that also headed up for the game. It's crazy how different FSU is from Miami! I could never wear a dress and boots on gameday in Miami haha!


Embraced my inner frat boy and Britney for Halloween!
My roommates and I did group costumes both nights we went out: frat boys because we wanted to be something scary (lol) and Britney's, circa 1998!

Rocked my last home canes football game as an undergrad in a tutu because why not!

Christmas including my first time in the Jingle Bell 2 Miler which has run past my house every year since as long as I can remember!

Family Vacation to North Carolina! 
We left the day after Christmas and will be here until Sunday. I'll have a whole post devoted to the trip in a week or so but until then, just a sneak peak! Praying we see snow this weekend 🙏🏼

I can truly say that 2015 has been one of the best years of my life! I grew quite a bit this year and accomplished a lot of adult-ing. For probably the first time ever, I can be proud of the fact I reached many of the goals I set for myself in the year and that feels amazing. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me in 2016!

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