Monday, May 12, 2014

My Freshman Dorm

Hey y'all! I am having a very lazy Monday so far and, sadly, I think the most productive today is going to get is showering and a blogpost. Oh well!

With freshman year having come to a close, I felt like now would be the perfect time to share pictures of how I decorated my dorm this past year! I was thankfully put into "overflow" freshman housing, randomly selected to live in an upperclassmen suite style dorm. The rooms aren't exactly traditionally shaped and were basically big squares. Instead of showing you the whole room (because that's really boring and all that's left is my roommate's side and our closets), this post will just show the important stuff: my desk and my bed!

I knew I wanted string lights in my room (#basic) but adding the pictures attached with clothespins made it more of a picture display than anything else. Being honest, I probably plugged the lights in only like 4 times! Command hooks = my bff!!

My desk had to function as both a place to do my school work and a vanity, so it kinda had a lot going on! School stuff on the left and makeup on the right!

I loved this banner that my sweet family friend Erin made for my graduation party so much, that I brought it to school to hang on my desk! Reppin' the U colors!!

By the end of the year, this baby sported a total of 4 mason jars... only slightly obsessed and not even sorry! 

My DIY bow display was really fun to make even though I don't dawn these big boys as much anymore! (feat. fugly recycling bin)

My bedding was my favorite part! The duvet cover was so cheap from ikea and it reminded me of seersucker so I snagged it as soon as I saw it! I'm also recently obsessed with throw pillows (especially when they involve coral and monograms)!

Side table/food storage (obvi)

I mentioned vision boards a while ago, but here are some pictures of two I made in January and kept in my dorm where I would see them daily! I first I just quotes and scripture and the second is goals and randomness. It's funny how much and how little goals can change in just 4 months!
Freshman year of college was a big change but also a lot of fun and a huge growing experience! I wasn't homesick ever but don't get me wrong, I probably would have preferred to have been home 70% of the time if you know what I mean! I think trying to make my dorm cozy and homey for myself was one of the biggest reasons I wasn't homesick. I love décor and cant wait to have my own home one day to decorate however I want, but my dorm gave me a space that I got to make cute and keep clean all on my own! This sounds really weird, but one of my favorite times of the week for me were afternoons I dubbed for cleaning. I'm a clean freak, sorry not sorry!
Overall, I was really happy with the way my dorm turned out and I loved it! I can't wait to decorate again next year :)
I hope everyone has an awesome week!!
xoxo, Olivia
(sorry for the length of this post!)

1 comment :

  1. Amazing! This blog looks just like my old one! It's on a entirely different topic but it has pretty much the same layout and design. Great choice of colors.Alexandr Shcolyar
