Wednesday, May 7, 2014

April Favorites and May Goals

I'm so happy to be home for summer so I actually have time to blog and spend time with my family and friends! I feel so much joy when I think about all the happy times that lay ahead in the next few months! I got home three days ago and it honestly feels like I've already been here for a month (I think that's a good things). April flew by and I know everyone says that about every month, but I seriously can't believe we're already a week into May! April is usually my favorite month of the year but this year was so much different because I was away from home. Studying for finals, end of the year banquets for clubs, and all that jazz really took up the whole month! I did however get to visit Vizcaya in Miami with my roommate for next year (roomie bonding!!), something I've wanted to do ever since the school year at UM started! It was SO beautiful, but also SO hot. It is definitely summer! I'm really glad I got to go :)

Since the favorites are going to be light in these posts from now on, here are my quick little April favorites for you!
Friday Night Lights so refreshing after House of Cards, lol
Bath&Body Works Lemon Mint Leaf candle
Cadbury crème eggs one of my favorite sweets ever!
Somewhere at Sea EP- Boy in a Boat SO GOOD
April's goals were not exactly entirely met, but we'll try again on some of these this month!
1. Make summer plans (babysitting the sweet boys again and some possible volunteering opportunities are in the works)
2. Go three nights without social media so I get more work done studying
3. Get a new devotional book
4. Celebrate my 19th birthday (still have family dinner left this Friday!)
5. Finish my 101 in 1001 list and post it on the blog (more on this later)
6. Try harder not to procrastinate on assignments (well... for the most part)
Now that I have a 101 list and have lots of time to work on projects, I'm hoping May is a beautifully productive month!
Get a new devotional book
Read A Walk to Remember and The Secrets of Peaches
Practice driving
Make my mama feel special on Mother's Day
Try running on the beach
78. organize my bathroom at home
79. organize my closet at home
80. clean out my nail polishes and find a better way to organize them
These passed three days, I have been working on  MAJOR spring cleaning/organizing/redecorating in my bedroom at home! Even though it feels like an even bigger mess because I have trash bags and give-away bags strewn all over the room, I know it will be worth it in the future when I have a fresh, clean space to rest (and read and blog)!
May's scripture focus: {James 4:8}
"Come near to God and He will come near to you."
My high school youth pastor texted me this verse recently out of the blue. Such a blessing or as a like to call it, a God sighting :)
Happy May loves!!
xoxo, Olivia

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