Tuesday, May 6, 2014

101 in 1001

Hey y'all! I apologize for my absence, but of course finals require full attention.... but it's summer now which means lots of times with family, friends, and blogging!! I've been working on this list for about two months and I planned on posting it on my birthday (over a week ago)!! Well, no time like the present and a couple days doesn't break my heart! If you haven't seen lists like this, a lot of the blogs I read have them: this one and this one are my faves. I'm not really sure where it originally came from, but the list is simply 101 things you want to accomplish in 1001 days. Some of mine a small goals or wishes, and others are big undertakings that I know may or may not actually happen! I'm so excited to start working on my list because like I've said a million times before, I LOVE GOALS! Wish me luck! Maybe you should make a list too ;)

Start date: May 6th, 2014
End date: January 31st, 2017

Travel and Adventure:
1. visit Washinton, DC March for Science in April 2017, blogged here and here
2. visit Hawaii
3. attend the Kentucky Derby or Carolina Cup
4. go to Disney
5. have a girls weekend getaway with my besties UM vs. FSU weekend in Tally October 2015
6. go skiing
7. go on a mission trip in this country
8. go on a mission trip out of the country
9. go on a road trip with Victoria to North Carolina for winter break 2015
10. go tubing in a spring
11. go hiking in Appalachia Linville Falls and Roan Mountain December 2015
12. visit the Lilly Pulitzer store in Key West
13. visit Palm Beach, FL
14. go on a college spring break vacay didn't really go away but it felt like vacation when my bestie visited my spring break 2016, blogged here
15. eat macarons at Laduree, Miami March 2016, the vanilla and orange blossom are delish!
16. go on a picnic
17. attend an NFL game
18. attend an MLB game Washington Nationals game in DC June 2017
19. go to a country music concert Runaway Country 2015 + soooo many more!!!
20. go camping
21. go hunting
22. catch a fish on a fly rod
23. catch a fish while flats fishing
24. go kayaking in the Indian river lagoon went bioluminescent kayaking aka night kayaking with glow in the dark plankton October 2017
25. attend a PGA golf tournament
26. attend playlist live Orlando to meet my favorite YouTubers

27. invest in a beautiful perfume that can be my signature scent
28. learn to French braid
29. get a professional blowout at a DryBar
30. take a risk with my hair (cut it short or get highlights) very subtle bayalage highlights summer 2015
31. own a Kate Spade handbag purchased summer 2015
32. wear my hair down at least four days a week for a month has definitely been the norm for me to wear my hair down almost every day since summer 2014
33. find my best beauty routine so thankful I do my research and invest in both makeup and skincare products now and feel like I truly love all my products 
34. invest in nice sunglasses was gifted my favorite Sunski polarized sunglasses for Christmas 2015
35. wear Lilly Pulitzer on Easter Sunday
36. own Tory Burch flats
37. wear a real outfit to class everyday for two weeks (no tshirts and norts!!)

Growing Up:
38. get my driver's license (should have done this 3 years ago... oops) Took a while but I did it! May 18th, 2015
39. get all A's during a semester of college spring semester sophomore year
40. hold an e-board office position for a club on campus  public relations chair for UMCRs 2014-2015 and VP 2015-2016
41. graduate early with my bachelor's degree graduated Cum Laude from Univeristy of Miami with a Bachelor of Arts in Marine Affairs in May 2016
42. volunteer for a marine science cause Marine Resources Council, Sea Turtle Preservation Society, and oyster reef building in IRL
43. raise money for colon cancer research
44. get an internship that will benefit me in my future career oyster fisheries research internship at GTMNERR summer 2015
45. volunteer for a political campaign
46. vote in a presidential election 2016!
47. start living financially smart on a budget (start using the envelope system)
48. invest in nice luggage
49. celebrate my 21st birthday
50. get my scuba diving license

51. be comfortable with my weight and feel confident in my skin
52. go diet coke free for at least a month
53. work out with a personal trainer (at least once)
54. run a 5k, like the entire time
55. learn to surf
56. exercise 4 days a week for a full month
57. follow through with a cleanse diet
58. make running on the beach a hobby

Blogging and Social Media:
59. reach 50 followers on my blog
60. Try and blog 10 new Pinterest recipes
61. inspire someone to write a 101 in 1001 list of their own
62. make my blog a private domain and hire someone to design it
63. make a blogger friend and meet them in real life
64. complete social media free weekends every weekend for a month
65. go technology free for a whole day
66. upgrade to a DSLR camera
67. buy an apple (preferably desk) computer
68. subscribe to 3 magazines I love
69. do 5 DIY projects and blog them

 Faith and Growth:
70. read the bible chronologically
71. help lead a bible study became a lifeguard (student leader) for my church's youth group summer 2014
72. write out my testimony
73. be a part of a book club joined a book club in November 2016 ... I'm the youngest one by about 20 years but I love those ladies :)
74. read one new book a month for a whole year didn't exactly read one book every month, but I read over 12 books throughout the year of 2014
75. read 5 book series: harry potter, divergent, maze runner, hunger games, and twilight
76. find a church in Miami

77. redecorate my bedroom at home (so it can also function as a guest bedroom in the future)
78. organize my bathroom at home
79. organize my closet at home
80. clean out my nail polishes and find a better way to organize them 5/21/14
81. set up a reading space in my redecorated room
82. build my personal library to (at least) 20 new books I love

Friends and Family:
83. buy flowers for 5 people I really love
84. make someone I love breakfast in bed
85. buy Christmas gifts for all of my family members with money I earned on my own
86. treat someone really deserving to a spa day
87. throw a surprise birthday party for someone
88. buy the groceries for 5 dinners and cook them for my family 2/5
89. take my grandma on a dinner date
90. do something fun for a day with just my sister and brother

91. bake macarons at home that actually taste good
92. bake a pie from scratch for a holiday dinner homemade apple pie for thanksgiving 2014
93. plant a garden
94. throw a tea party
95. host a summer bbq or seafood boil by the pool with friends
96. take advantage of the beach at home every day for a week
97. watch the sunrise and sunset on the same day
98. stargaze in the back of a pickup truck or on the beach
99. learn to play a song on the piano
100. go on a first date
101. record my completions on the blog or Instagram (with #livs101in1001)

xoxo, Olivia

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