Friday, August 25, 2017

Friday No. Seven

1. Two Saturday's ago I had the most amazing day helping one of my besties Ashley find her perfect wedding dress with her whole "bride tribe!" She looked amazing in everything duh, literal bridal model. Such a special thing to get to reunite with this group of girls, most of which I became friends with during church in middle school haha! And yes, Ashley said yes to the dress ;)

2. Garlic Shrimp in Coconut Milk, Tomatoes, and Cilantro from Skinny Taste. I saw two separate instagrammers making this recipe and  I immediately knew I wanted it ASAP. Whipped it up the next night and OMG, delish! The only thing I did differently was add half a chopped onion and subbed red bell pepper for green since they're so much cheaper. I served it over brown rice from the rice cooker and the fam loved it, highly recommend trying it out if you like shrimp and spicy flavors! I made it again this past Monday so that't twice in one week, I'd say it's a new staple for sure!

3. A week ago, my mother and I made a trip to Ulta and I couldn't resist picking up some new goodies #basic. I kept stealing this First Aid Beauty moisturizer from my mom for months so I finally purchased my own and dang, I'm so happy I did. I seriously feel such a difference in my skin after just a week. This Mario Badescu product also really surprised me. I've only used it twice but it really works at clearing out my pores, just a little interesting the way you use it. Last but not least, I finally decided to switch up my concealer. The urban decay naked one was simply not doing it for me, really did nothing about covering my under eye circles, so I went with the YouTube hype and bought this super popular concealer. Absolutely love it! Amazing coverage and actually looks really natural on the skin/ doesn't get greasy and creasey.

4. Is it fall yet (even though Florida doesn't have fall and it's gunna be hot until December)??? Whatever, I'm burning pumpkin candles and you can't stop me! Fall faves are this one and this one.

5. And lastly, here's a few fun pics from the last 2 weeks or so just for fun :)

Little moment of gratitude for where I live while driving to meet a friend over the causeway. 

Eclipse 2017 followed by some awesome eclipse shadows!

Wishing everyone an awesome Friday as I head to Jacksonville to visit my bestie with my other bestie today!

xoxo, Olivia

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