Saturday, February 8, 2014

2014: Off to a Great Start

January was a really great month for me. So far a lot of awesomeness has happened in 2014 and I wanted to share that with y’all. Every year I make ambitious resolutions for the new year and just like most people, I fail to keep up with those resolutions and lose track of my goals really quickly. Thankfully, 2014 has brought me incredible luck and most importantly motivation.
I don’t want to list off to you every resolution I made but in short, I wanted to become the best version of myself I could possibly be. I still have a lot more work to do in the eating healthier and getting fit departments, but you have to start somewhere and having a routine that forces me to exercise has really helped me. One of my favorite resolutions I made was to grow: spiritually, academically, and relationship and career wise.
The number one thing that motivates me is thinking about the future. What I want to be doing in a month, this summer, in a year, in 5 years. I know it sounds silly and gimmicky, but last month I made two vision boards that really helped me to see everything I wanted for myself. It’s kind of a new running joke for me to tell everyone I know to make a vision board and I tease myself about it all the time, but all jokes aside I truly believe that they work!
Embracing the idea that things worth having don’t come easy, but that you have to work for them is for sure another reason that I’ve had such a great year so far. I’m not trying to say that the last month has been perfect because a couple sucky things have definitely happened, but it’s all about how you react. You can’t let your situation consume you and if anything, do one thing a day that makes you smile: whether it be drinking your favorite cup of tea or taking a short walk on the beach. 2013 was, for the most part, a not so fun year and I’m really excited for everything 2014 has to offer! If this post does anything, I hope it gives at least one person the boost they need to take responsibility for having a great year too :)
xoxo, Olivia
(ps: sorry for the slight cheesiness of this post)

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