Saturday, February 8, 2014

2014: Off to a Great Start

January was a really great month for me. So far a lot of awesomeness has happened in 2014 and I wanted to share that with y’all. Every year I make ambitious resolutions for the new year and just like most people, I fail to keep up with those resolutions and lose track of my goals really quickly. Thankfully, 2014 has brought me incredible luck and most importantly motivation.
I don’t want to list off to you every resolution I made but in short, I wanted to become the best version of myself I could possibly be. I still have a lot more work to do in the eating healthier and getting fit departments, but you have to start somewhere and having a routine that forces me to exercise has really helped me. One of my favorite resolutions I made was to grow: spiritually, academically, and relationship and career wise.
The number one thing that motivates me is thinking about the future. What I want to be doing in a month, this summer, in a year, in 5 years. I know it sounds silly and gimmicky, but last month I made two vision boards that really helped me to see everything I wanted for myself. It’s kind of a new running joke for me to tell everyone I know to make a vision board and I tease myself about it all the time, but all jokes aside I truly believe that they work!
Embracing the idea that things worth having don’t come easy, but that you have to work for them is for sure another reason that I’ve had such a great year so far. I’m not trying to say that the last month has been perfect because a couple sucky things have definitely happened, but it’s all about how you react. You can’t let your situation consume you and if anything, do one thing a day that makes you smile: whether it be drinking your favorite cup of tea or taking a short walk on the beach. 2013 was, for the most part, a not so fun year and I’m really excited for everything 2014 has to offer! If this post does anything, I hope it gives at least one person the boost they need to take responsibility for having a great year too :)
xoxo, Olivia
(ps: sorry for the slight cheesiness of this post)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

January Favorites

Good morning lovies! For my first real post, I want to do a monthly favorites. I watch a lot of youtube "beauty vloggers" and my favorite types of videos are favorites videos. The majority of "gurus" share their favorites at the end of each month, consisting of beauty products, music, clothing items, etc. that they found well loved during that month. I want to post something similar on my blog each month so I can share with you guys what I loved! So let's start with January (which was a great month by the way)!
1. Oatmeal
Okay, so this probably sounds really weird but before winter break I really hated cooked oatmeal. I would literally eat it like cereal, with cold milk. However, something came over me one morning while I was home to actually make some oatmeal for realzies and I haven't stopped eating it ever since! I like to cut up strawberries and add cinnamon and stevia too, yum!

2. Pride & Prejudice
Thanks to one of my best friends Sarah (hi Sarah if you're reading this), I had the pleasure of watching the 2005 Keira Knightly version of Pride & Prejudice whilst drinking delicious tea last spring. But, not until this month did I read the classic Jane Austen novel in its entirety. Towards the end, I really couldn't put it down even though I knew the whole story line. Right after I finished reading, I sat down and watched the film again and let's just say I'm praying for my very own Mr. Darcy to show up in my life! If you haven't actually read the book, do it. Right now.

3. iPhone 5c
Over the last few months, my iPhone 4 was a hot mess with no storage left and frequent random shut offs. I had had the phone for over two years so I made the decision that I really needed a cell phone that actually functioned properly. I got the blue 5c (thank you mom and dad) and I love it! IOS7 is great and everything is so much faster and easier.
4. Miles Teller
I am OBSESSED with the actor Miles Teller. This month I watched practically every film he's been in recently and loved every one. In Footloose his character is just too adorable for words (I mean come on, his learning to dance scenes?)! His characters in 21 and Over and That Awkward Moment were pretty similar but absolutely hilarious and lovable. If you like the Hangover, you need to see him in 21 and Over and if you're a Zac Efron fan, That Awkward Moment is a must see. Finally, after deciding I wasn't quite satisfied just yet watching Miles in those three movies, I watched The Spectacular Now in which he plays a much more center and dynamic role. If you like Perks of Being a Wallflower, you'll probably enjoy The Spectacular Now too. Basically, I think he's an amazing actor (beyond cute too) and can't wait to see him in more stuff!
5. White converse
This month, I've worn the heck out of my white converse. They're so classic and make a lot of outfits (that I tend to dress up with too many flashy accessories) appropriately casual. This picture is actually from 4th of July last year when my sister Victoria and I got matching pairs. I mean, they just scream 'MERICA! If you don't have a pair, you're really missing out! I'm seriously debating getting monogrammed ones in the future...
If you're reading this, thank you for listening to me blab on and on. You deserve a medal! So what did you love this January?
xoxo, Olivia

Sunday, February 2, 2014


For quite some time now I have wanted to start up a blog. In January, I made a list of New Year’s resolutions and things I wanted to accomplish in 2014. On this list, amongst many other things, was to create a blog. For the past year or so I have loved many blogs and found the times I spent reading them relaxing and inspiring (I’m not trying to be overdramatic here, just honest)! I struggled for a while as whether or not to make my own because I was nervous that people, namely my family, friends, and random acquaintances, would judge me or tease me about it but that’s really not important. I’m making this for me, not to please others. I want to have a place where I can tell people about what I love and just be myself. I’m so excited to see where this goes!