Thursday, June 23, 2016

A very late April recap

So now for the post I promised of everything important this little blog missed during my hiatus this spring! To be honest, this is just an excuse for me to post a bunch of cute photos I've been stockpiling since April :)

First, #formalszn...

Back in April, one of my guy friends invited me to his fraternity formal in Key Largo. It was such a fun weekend and fortunately two of my best friends were also invited so it kinda just became a bestie fest! I painted my date a flask for the weekend which was actually quite stressful because I decided to do it last minute but I'm really proud of how it turned out. Maybe I'll make a post later on how I did that and show y'all some pictures of it!

One of my best friends Chealsey also invited me to her sorority formal the next week and we had a blast! Took lots of silly photos on a jeep because we were clearly feeling our looks, haha!

{Sam Edelman Yardley sandals}

A couple weekends later my firends and I stayed in Fort Lauderdale Beach for the weekend for Tortuga Music Festival! Country on the beach, yes please! Was also definitely on that bae watch ;)

{BAE watch swimsuit, 'merica fanny pack}

And finally, the cherry on top of a crazy fun April: my 21st birthday! Haha I was so excited to have my first pitcher at the Rathskeller on campus. I also have the most amazing mama in the world who has amazing besties that made the treck to Miami for the weekend. We stayed at the Viceroy in Brickell which is AMAZING. Seriously, go look up pictures of the spa and rooftop pool! I seriously felt like a celebrity all weekend. 

{Forever21 romper}

Then that Sunday, I threw out the first pitch at my very last home baseball game as a Hurricane. I'm saving myself from embarrassment by not posting the video, but lets just say the catcher laughed... a lot. After the game I swallowed my pride though and waited outside of the locker room with my ball to get me favorite players to sign it. Let me tell you, it is very awkward asking boys you've been in the dugout with all season to sign a baseball like some toddler who caught a foul ball. But it was all worth it to get a picture with my favorite players Bryan Garcia and Willie Abreu! Literally might frame that beautiful photograph. Sadly, the Cane's left Omaha too early this year but I'm still so proud of that team and I'm so thankful for the opportunity to have been a batgirl this season. I think I may be becoming a sports person and it's a bit frightening! 

So I think that's about it! Dare I say April 2016 was the best month of my life? Possibly. Definitely the best birthday of my life, that's for sure!

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