Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My Birthday + Girl's Weekend in Tallahassee

Okay so I am way behind on posts but I'm feeling bloggy again so expect more soon, including travel posts from my trip to DC as well as my upcoming trip to the Bahamas! Yay!! Until then, I wanted to share a little from my birthday as well as my recent weekend trip to Tallahassee :)

lol sorry bout the vacuum and dog toy #keepinitreal
{tie-dye top from a local boutique The Salty Shack, similar top, jeans, sandals, hoops}

Most of my family was out of town the weekend of my 22nd, but I had a wonderful time celebrating with one of my besties Ashley and a few of our friends plus my brother and sister in law. Had the yummiest dinner and skinny margs at one of my favorite restaurants Friday night then got to spend Saturday at the beach and enjoying new summer beers at my favorite brewery in town, Intracoastal. The had a pina colada hefe y'all. If you know me, you know that beer was probably secretly crafted just for me. Now I'm not saying it was meant to be for it to debut my birthday weekend, but... okay maybe I am a little! Anyways, I had an awesome weekend and I really can't believe I'm not 21 anymore. I know that sounds dumb, but it's true!

The Wednesday night after my bday, I was gearing up and in full last minute packing craziness before heading to Tallahassee for my best friend Ariel's birthday and graduation. The fruits of my late night crafting were these super adorable tissue paper flowers! Ariel's birthday is Cinco de Mayo so obviously I was extra and wanted to decorate her apartment fiesta festive. I failed at two other "flower" monstrosities before settling on this tutorial from pinterest, which isn't really a tutorial but I just cut my tissue paper how the kit she assembled had it pre-cut and it totally worked #protip


Then Thursday, it was off to Tallahassee with besties Jackie and Emily to visit our Ariel! We had a crazy first night of karaoke, tequila, and strange uber drivers. I love my girls <3

{tissue paper flowers: DIY, banner and flower crown: target}

The next day was Arie's birthday and we spent it exploring the cute shops at Lake Ella, Railroad Square Art Park (um this place is so hip and trendy plus tons of cute vintage shops, 10/10 must see in Tallahassee), mexican food and maragritas (duh!), and Proof Brewing Company back at Railroad Square to end the night! 

post grad pics blaze pizza creation :p 
PS their key lime mint lemonade omgggg

Saturday we wandered campus to take graduation pics for Ariel then OUR BESTIE GRADUATED!! I'm so so proud to call this amazing woman my best friend! She is going to make the best elementary school teacher as a Florida State alum and I'm so honored I could be there to celebrate with her and her awesome family! Secretly jealous I'm not like 7 and can't be in her future class haha. 


Sunday morning before having to head back south, we enjoyed the most delicious brunch at Bada Bean. Sex in the city breakfast date vibes with my girls = content Olivia. I've mentioned it probably a million times on this blog but ugh these ladies are so special. Sisterhood of the traveling pants special! No matter how long we've been a part, coming back together as a group always feel like home. I hope everyone has friends this amazing because they are so good for the soul y'all! And this weekend in Tallahassee was just that, good for the soul. 

Okay, enough with the sappiness. As I'm writing this, I only have 2 more days until my family and I will be in the Bahamas!! I'm so excited for the trip and can't wait to share so many pictures and travel posts! 

xoxo, Olivia