Saturday, September 10, 2016

A Day in St. Augustine + Life Lately

In the beginning of August, my family took a day trip to visit me and explore downtown St. Augustine. If you've never been, it's a really nice city to see. St. Augustine is the oldest city in the country and so as you may imagine has quite a bit of history and a much more true southern vibe in comparison to other parts of Florida. First we ate at Aunt Kate's in Vilano Beach (they have amazing pumpkin bread and I really enjoyed their blue crab salad). Aunt Kate's is also one of the few restaurants in St. Augustine that serves local oysters so I obviously love that (in season of course haha)!

Next I took the fam to see the St. Augustine lighthouse, probably my favorite place in the area. There is a little fishing dock next to the sailing school across from the lighthouse which I always love to visit because every time I go I see a few juvenile sea turtles floating around. Trust me, they are always there!

We also took a tour of the St. Augustine distillery (hello free samples and the world's yummiest rum) and explored a few shops and stopped for pizza on St. George's street before they headed home. Haha I thought I was so funny taking a picture with the sugarcane they had outside of the distillery considering my career as a Miami Sugarcane ;)

I'll be honest, y'all haven't missed much in the past month and a half or so! I finished up the last month of my research internship in St. Augustine and have been living at home for the past two weeks. I'm so incredibly grateful for the two summers I spent in the St. Augustine and Jacksonville area. Sometimes you forget how much you've learned when you don't look back, but I've grown a lot since May of 2015 and even a lot since graduation! No one tells you how truly difficult post grad life can be. In the sake of transparency, I've had a rough couple of weeks of feeling pressured to make big decisions as to where I'm headed but I think I'm finally in a bit of a better place. Big thank you to my mom, sister, and best friends who have been so encouraging and caring recently. Love you guys.

On a lighter note, I have had a couple note worthy adventures in the last week! The first weekend of September, I met my friend Chealsey in West Palm Beach for a Brantley Gilbert concert. Chealsey's boyfriend works for Colt Ford and was so sweet to get us tickets and take us backstage. We were literally onstage for the entirety of Brantley's set. SO COOL. It was so great to see Chealsey before she moved to Nashville three days later, how hip and trendy is she! She became one of my best friends my last semester of college, something I never would have expected to happen as we were both seniors.

Then, this past Saturday (post Hermine of course) I visited my best friend Ariel in Tallahassee for the holiday weekend. Sometimes you just really need to be with a true friend and I would not trade our three day binge watch fest of New Girl for anything! We also got crafty and painted ceramics, whipped up homemade pizzas, explored a bit of midtown Tallahassee, and watched the Florida State Ole Miss game. I must admit though, it was quite odd stepping into an FSU bar as a Miami Hurricane. I love my twinzie Ariel! No lie, almost every time we go out together someone asks if we are related haha.

(sorry for the snap filters lol)

Sorry for the absurd length of this post, but thank you if you're actually still reading. Let's be real, this is mostly just an online scrapbook of my life I can look back on later but I'm glad there a few homies out there who actually enjoy it as well! I'm definitely looking forward to adding more content to this blog in the coming months. I have a lot of ideas, not just weekend recaps and travel posts. Anyways, happy end of summer/almost fall (jk doesn't become fall in Florida until mid November)! xoxo