Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday No. Three

Hello, yes I'm still alive! The past month has been absolutely crazy with the start of baseball season and now spring break!

Sugarcanes has been so fun so far, I am absolutely loving it! In addition to working the dugout, I've also been delivering shakes for a few games now. You're probably thinking, "milkshake deliveries??? what kind of bougie baseball stadium is this??" Well, I'll have you know Mark Light Shakes are world famous and WELL worth the $6 and additional $1.50 for delivery, haha! Joining Sugarcanes was the best decision I made this year and my only regret is not having joined sooner!

This post is coming to you on the tail end of my spring break. In the beginning of the week, one of my best friends from high school, Ariel, visited me from FSU. It was a lot of fun because 1. I love her because we're twins and really missed her, and 2. it was basically like being on vacation because I did all the touristy Miami stuff I never do! We boated through Biscayne Bay, visited Wynwood Walls and Art District, window shopped Lincoln Road, and pretended to be wild spring breakers in South Beach. I loved having my bestie with me for a few days!

P.S. can you tell I'm obsessed with these free people sunnies

Also, last night University of Miami hosted the CNN Republican Debate and I was lucky enough to have a ticket to the exciting event! The coolest part was how campus was completely taken over by news crews all week as students were gone for spring break. Also, seeing Carly Fiorina and Anderson Cooper up close lol! Before last night, I wasn't set on who I would be voting for in the primaries and I went in wanting to keep an open mind and truly listen to the substance of their responses. With that said, I'll be voting for Kasich come Tuesday. It's a shame few people have given him a chance in this election. He hands down has a best experience as a Governor and with budget reform in Washington. He is also the most moderate Republican candidate which I believe is exactly what the party needs if it hopes to survive past the next ten years. Okay, done with politics now :)

This morning I drove home for the weekend for some family and Nyla time. We have plans to celebrate my sister's birthday and enjoy the beach so I'll be sure to share some pictures next week!