Thursday, July 10, 2014

July Goals

Long time no talk loves. Sincerest apologizes for living a slightly uninspiring life as of late! I'd rather not bore you with the thrilling world of babysitting by day and cooking/cleaning by night. (But just in case you're wondering, I've watched Frozen approximately 10 times within the past week!) Truth be told, ideas for posts have been piling up in my noggin for weeks now but something always got in the way... mostly hours long LOST marathons or just sheer laziness. Oh well, I'm back now and I have things to say, posts to write, and photos to share!

First things first, last month's goals. Boy did I plan ambitiously! I won't even go through all the goals I didn't accomplish because it's a bit embarrassing. Lesson learned, be realistic Olivia. The month wasn't a total waste though and retrospectively, I accomplished quite a bit but this rain every afternoon thing is really making me throw out valuable productivity time to vegg instead. Sunshine State, please come back!

Here's praying July's goals are a bit more manageable :)

July Goals:
Simply eat healthier and exercise more often
Finish miscellaneous DIYs I've had planned for months
Read The Maze Runner and The Hunger Games
Make a rough plan for our family vacation in the beginning of August
Work on these 101s: 78, 81, 88, 89
Complete a social media free weekend

Last month, daily devotionals and starting the habit of journaling did wonders for my spiritual life! But feeling closer to Him and reading His word much more had me realize that even though I feel the Holy Spirit within me, I'm not being fruitful. By that I mean that I don't feel like I'm letting my actions be led by the Holy Spirit. This month, I want to embrace the Spirit and let God's love and kindness show through me by abandoning my judgmental, unkind, and disrespectful tendencies (a familiar problem I've shared on here before).

July scripture focus: {Galations 5:22-23}
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."

I apologize again for my absence and promise this month will be different. I can't wait to share more posts soon with you guys! Hint: 4th of July shenanigans and DIY overload! Happy July lovies, even though I'm a bit late!

xoxo, Olivia