Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Goals

May made me feel sleepy, is that weird? 90% of this month was spent vegging on the couch watching LOST or FNL or cleaning/reorganizing everything in sight. I am however, very thankful for the time I have got to spend with my family and friends this first month of summer as well as for the doors God opened for me in May! God is good, for sure!

May Goals:
Get a new devotional book Sarah Young's Jesus Calling and I LOVE it, highly recommend if you want short, daily devotions that are still rich in His word!
Read A Walk to Remember and The Secrets of Peaches
Practice driving (only crossed out half because I really need to do more)
Make my mama feel special on Mother's Day
Try running on the beach
78. organize my bathroom at home (initiated, but not finished!)
79. organize my closet at home (same)
80. clean out my nail polishes and find a better way to organize them

June's goals are heavy because as much as it may look like I was productive, I feel like I let my whole first month of summer slip away from me! Accomplishing a lot of my goals last month opened my eyes to my need to extend some of them into this month, so more and more goals are piling up on me. In a good way!

June Goals:
Seize my mornings instead of being lazy (exercise, chores, devotion, etc.)
Go to service every Sunday this month
Do 5 new fun things with the boys while babysitting this month (zoo, movies)
Read Twilight and Love and Peaches
Have quiet time with the Lord daily (start journaling)
Exercise 5 days a week
Limit to 3 desserts a week and 1 diet coke a day (my sweet tooth and more importantly diet coke addiction have been killing me lately)
Finishing touches on 78 and 79
81. set up a reading space in my redecorated room
88. buy the groceries for a dinner and cook it for my family
89. take my grandma on a dinner date
96. take advantage of the beach at home every day for a week

Y'all, I am ambitious! But I need to work on not being anxious, filled with fear and earthly wishes. I need not get being ambitious and productive confused with anxiousness.

June scripture focus: {Philippians 4:6}
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Here's to a beautiful and sunny month, Happy June!

xoxo, Olivia