Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Weekenders: Toodle Bears & Turtles

Hey y'all! I feel like I haven't written a real post in forever but like I've said before, I've been mighty busy! It's okay though because only 24 more days until summer (more than just excited to be back at  home for a couple months real soon). I'm still trying to figure out summer plans though; hopefully I will have updates soon about having a summer job or even a volunteer opportunity/internship!  Now back to the real reason behind this post, basically what I've been up to for the past two weekends:
The main reason I have been so busy the last few weeks is that I had to accomplish all my class assignments, studying, and papers during the week because two weekends ago I went home and this past weekend I went to Juno Beach, FL. The weekends are normally my down time and when I get most of my school work done so these trips actually gave me a lot of stress, but the fun made up for it!

The last weekend of March I made a short trip home to celebrate a very sweet friend. Saturday I did some adventuring out in Holopaw again with my dad and family friends and then relaxed that night with my sister, her new boyfriend (!!!!!!!), and our friend Hannah. There was ice cream and Mario Kart involved so yea, happy Olivia! Ever since I played that night I have wanted to play again so bad... sorry I'm such a geek. Sunday's festivities were why I really came home. A celebration of God's miracles for our close family friend Anthony. Love this boy and his family to death and I was so happy to spend time with my little (6 foot 2 actually) 'Afroney!' Monday, Tor and Tots drove me back to Miami and that was pretty much the end of that weekend!

This past weekend (the first of April) I traveled to Juno Beach, FL with UM's marine science honor society, Rho Rho Rho, for Turtle Fest. My roomies and I are all a part of the club and it's truly an awesome group of people that all share a passion for marine science, aka my kinda people! Last semester we went on their fall trip to St. Augustine and I was so glad we also made it on the spring trip this semester too. Juno Beach is such a nice little beach town and everything in the town has sea turtles on it so LOVE! Sea turtles are my absolute favorite animal ever and the festival we attended was at the Loggerhead Marine Life Center which is basically a sea turtle hospital for south Florida. The festival opens up most of the facility so you can see all the turtles up close and also included art fair type booths (mostly oceany and sea turtly art) and really yummy food vendors too! It was so nice to see so many people supporting a small organization that does a lot to save my favorite animal, and nice to eat yummy bbq and see beautiful art as well. My roommates and I practically fell in love with this woman's colorful and beachy art! Definitely want to order one of her sea turtle prints in the future! Sunday we spent the day as a group at the beach and then headed back to Miami. Overall, it was a great trip and made me feel closer to a lot more people in the club (cheers for making new friends)! Here are a few pictures I shot of the adorable turtles that I really wanted to steal from their tanks and take home with me, lol :) 

This dude was my favorite, he wanted to say hi to everyone!

And no beach trip is complete without treasures!
As much as they stress me out sometimes, I absolutely love weekend trips because they are like mini vacations! I hope that everyone is having fabulous weeks so far and that you somewhat enjoyed my rambling. If not, I hope you at least liked those sea turtle pics. I mean how could you not? What have you guys been up to the past few weekends?
xoxo, Olivia

Friday, April 4, 2014

Virtual Sunshine

Sending warm rays and big bunches of cheery flowers via my computer (well pinterest really) quickly to your screen today because I am one busy, busy bee this week! I'll have a post about my two weekend getaways next Tuesday, but until then enjoy my loves :)

(Oops found another new blog with this one.. you need to check out the link to view more of her gorgeous travel photos!!)

xoxo, Olivia